Categories: MBAMBA comparison

MBA vs. LLB (Bachelor of Laws)

If you are comparing the MBA versus the LLB you should ask yourself why you are studying and what your expectations are. If you’ve always wanted to be a lawyer, then you should do an LLB.

An MBA gives you the tools to do your job better, with higher pay and a competitive edge.

An MBA is proof on your CV that you’ve been well-versed in the business world as a whole. It makes you very attractive to employers and helps boost your career and earnings. It gives you leadership and management skills and gives you access to a large network.

Most students choose to do an LLB because they are interested in pursuing a career in the legal profession. Law is a demanding course and training places for solicitors and barristers are highly competitive. However, the rewards are great, in terms of salary and personal development.

A law degree is also an excellent springboard into a wide range of other professions. It helps you become skilled in researching and assimilating large amounts of data, skills which are important in commerce and industry. You will develop strong oral and written communications skills and you will learn to approach tasks clearly and logically.

Some applicants do an MBA after an LLB. If they want to open their own law firm, an MBA would complement this ambition. A business degree before opening a law firm would help you run your organization much more effectively than others, giving you a competitive advantage. It would also help you build a strong network.

Jack Oren Jackman :CEO & Founder of examPAL. 21 years' experience in the field of test prep. Has written dozens of books and courseware, and personally taught over 4,000 students.